It is not just roses that can represent feelings, sunflowers can too.
And the meaning of the number of sunflowers LoveYouFlower™ gives is
good from the first flower. I have summarized it this way, I think
everyone wants to read it. If so, why wait? Let's read it.
1 flower means you are my first and only love in my heart.
2 flowers mean we are soulmates, a true couple sent by the sky to meet.
3 flowers mean I want to build a family together with you.
5 flowers mean I love you very much.
9 flowers mean I want to be with you forever.
10 flowers mean you are perfect for me.
24 flowers mean I think of you every moment.
99 flowers mean I will love you until the end of my life.
365 flowers mean I want to be with you every day.
1001 flowers mean our love will last forever.
1 flower means you are my first and only love in my heart.
2 flowers mean we are soulmates, a true couple sent by the sky to meet.
3 flowers mean I want to build a family together with you.
5 flowers mean I love you very much.
9 flowers mean I want to be with you forever.
10 flowers mean you are perfect for me.
24 flowers mean I think of you every moment.
99 flowers mean I will love you until the end of my life.
365 flowers mean I want to be with you every day.
1001 flowers mean our love will last forever.
When can we give sunflowers to someone on any occasion?

1. Giving it to a partner
When talking about flowers to give to a partner, one must think of roses, but in reality, sunflowers are just as suitable. According to the meaning of flowers, sunflowers convey steadfast love. Giving this flower to a partner is like making a promise to the person you love that you will be steadfast in your love for only them. It's like how sunflowers always look at the sun and never change, very romantic, isn't it? And if it's given as a bouquet to the bride and groom, it becomes even more significant because it's not only a symbol of steadfast love but also a blessing for the fresh and bright love of the couple. It also emphasizes the longevity of love.
2. Give to a friend
Sunflowers are the best flowers to give to a friend! Because this type of flower represents cheerfulness and happiness. If your friend is feeling sad or down, let's send sunflowers to cheer them up. And don't forget to attach a funny message, so your friend can smile. Or if it's your friend's special day, you can also send this flower as a blessing.
3. Give to the elderly
Many people may want to send flowers, morning glory, or give flowers to the elderly who are respected. But don't know what kind of flower to choose, what color should it be, is there a limit? Love You, Flowers, it must be said that we can give flowers in any situation. If it's a serious situation, it's advisable to choose flowers that have a sophisticated color tone such as white, pink or blue. But in general, we can give sunflowers to the elderly to help increase their freshness and cheerfulness.
4. Giving to Patients
People who are ill often need encouragement and something that makes them feel alive. So, if you are going to visit a patient, whether at the hospital or home, something that should be brought along to show concern and encouragement is a sunflower. Its bright yellow color can help make the viewer feel brighter and more alive in an unbelievable way.
5. Giving a Congratulation
If it were to be said that sunflowers are suitable for any occasion, it would not be wrong. Not only are they easy to buy, but they also have bright colors, making them suitable for giving to others, especially on occasions of congratulations. For example, when giving a gift to a newborn, opening a new store, or getting a promotion, no matter what the occasion of congratulations is, sunflowers are suitable.
6. Apologize as a gesture
When you argue with your partner or friends, don't let negative feelings linger for too long. If you do, those feelings will be stored in your mind and will eventually accumulate and become a big negative lump that can potentially destroy everything, including love. Sometimes apologizing doesn't mean you're in the wrong, but it means you're trying to maintain the relationship. By apologizing, you're letting your partner or friend know how much you care about them. So, if you ever argue with your friends or partners, don't forget to give them flowers along with your apology.
7. Give sunflowers on birthdays
Birthdays must have surprises and importantly, sunflowers. Giving sunflowers on birthdays is a way of telling the birthday person that you wish their life to be bright, cheerful, and lively, just like a sunflower. It's a very lovely meaning.
8. Give it on graduation day
If we talk about the most special opportunity to give flowers, besides Valentine's Day, another day that comes to mind is graduation day. No matter what era, the most common gift given on this day is flowers and dolls. The most suitable flower for graduation day is sunflowers because they symbolize life after graduation that is bright, fresh, and lively, like receiving blessings from the sun. It is a very good blessing. Isn't it?
When talking about flowers to give to a partner, one must think of roses, but in reality, sunflowers are just as suitable. According to the meaning of flowers, sunflowers convey steadfast love. Giving this flower to a partner is like making a promise to the person you love that you will be steadfast in your love for only them. It's like how sunflowers always look at the sun and never change, very romantic, isn't it? And if it's given as a bouquet to the bride and groom, it becomes even more significant because it's not only a symbol of steadfast love but also a blessing for the fresh and bright love of the couple. It also emphasizes the longevity of love.

Sunflowers are the best flowers to give to a friend! Because this type of flower represents cheerfulness and happiness. If your friend is feeling sad or down, let's send sunflowers to cheer them up. And don't forget to attach a funny message, so your friend can smile. Or if it's your friend's special day, you can also send this flower as a blessing.
3. Give to the elderly
Many people may want to send flowers, morning glory, or give flowers to the elderly who are respected. But don't know what kind of flower to choose, what color should it be, is there a limit? Love You, Flowers, it must be said that we can give flowers in any situation. If it's a serious situation, it's advisable to choose flowers that have a sophisticated color tone such as white, pink or blue. But in general, we can give sunflowers to the elderly to help increase their freshness and cheerfulness.
4. Giving to Patients
People who are ill often need encouragement and something that makes them feel alive. So, if you are going to visit a patient, whether at the hospital or home, something that should be brought along to show concern and encouragement is a sunflower. Its bright yellow color can help make the viewer feel brighter and more alive in an unbelievable way.
5. Giving a Congratulation
If it were to be said that sunflowers are suitable for any occasion, it would not be wrong. Not only are they easy to buy, but they also have bright colors, making them suitable for giving to others, especially on occasions of congratulations. For example, when giving a gift to a newborn, opening a new store, or getting a promotion, no matter what the occasion of congratulations is, sunflowers are suitable.

When you argue with your partner or friends, don't let negative feelings linger for too long. If you do, those feelings will be stored in your mind and will eventually accumulate and become a big negative lump that can potentially destroy everything, including love. Sometimes apologizing doesn't mean you're in the wrong, but it means you're trying to maintain the relationship. By apologizing, you're letting your partner or friend know how much you care about them. So, if you ever argue with your friends or partners, don't forget to give them flowers along with your apology.
7. Give sunflowers on birthdays
Birthdays must have surprises and importantly, sunflowers. Giving sunflowers on birthdays is a way of telling the birthday person that you wish their life to be bright, cheerful, and lively, just like a sunflower. It's a very lovely meaning.

If we talk about the most special opportunity to give flowers, besides Valentine's Day, another day that comes to mind is graduation day. No matter what era, the most common gift given on this day is flowers and dolls. The most suitable flower for graduation day is sunflowers because they symbolize life after graduation that is bright, fresh, and lively, like receiving blessings from the sun. It is a very good blessing. Isn't it?
Sunflowers are recommended
Love You Flower also recommends sunflowers from our shop for everyone
to know. For those who have read this and are interested in buying for
their lover, friend, relative, or senior loved ones, or to decorate
different corners of your house, we recommend ordering now!

A280 - Aurora
15 sunflowers bouquet included caspia flower and gypsophila, beautiful
gifts to bring brightness to the one you love. With the sweet message
"I love you so much, you are perfect for me" that you can attach to
the card, and make your loved one smile all day.

A275 - Summer Love
3 sunflowers in a mini adorable bouquet with lovely messages, suitable
for giving as encouragement or as a wedding gift to let your loved one
know that you wish to create a warm and bright family together. Bring
joy to each other every day.